Monday, July 27, 2009


The countdown is on. Wednesday Casey and I leave for Houston. We are staying for a week. On Monday I turn 21 and I think we are going to louisiana to the casino. Will be gambling but not drinking. I'm pregnant!!! Im about 8 weeks along. We will get back on August 5th. Casey then leaves for Amarillo on the 10th. Then from Amarillo to Ft. Benning for Basic on the 11th. A little more than a week after he gets there I should get our insurance information so I can see a doctor. Lots going on and lots to look forward to!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekend Fun!

The house was crazy busy this weekend. There was good food and good times!

Miss Madalyn
Look I actually got a smile

Aaron, Adrien and Lexi playing in the pool

Aaron.. He can be soooo goofy!

Adrien.... He always looks like tough stuff lol.

Lexi... She LOVES the water.

Splashing around

She love holding babies!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Casey just text me he is on his way home! Hes officially army now! They swore him in today! YAY!! Things are set in stone and im sooooo relieved and proud.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

SO first cycle done and Im not pregnant. I am so ready to be pregnant but I was kinda glad. I didnt really want to be due in Jan. I guess god knows best. Casey left for MEPS today. Tomorrow he will go in for his physical and his army tests. I know he will do great but hes really nervous. Then he leaves for training in August. Hes enlisting for 6 years. Part of me wishes he will get stationed in San antonio so we are half way between his family and mine. The other part of me wants to be stationed somewhere new and interesting like california or italy! We have no choice so ill just have to wait and see. Wont know any of that till the end of nov. When casey gets back from training (end of nov) he has to work as a recruiter for a couple of weeks till they send him to a station. Got a busy couple of weeks coming up at the end of the month. First is the James reunion and then im flying to my parents for my sisters graduation. WHOO HOO cant wait to visit everyone!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I tried to write this before but due to the need to talk to a few more involved people I deleted it and am now trying again. A few BIG decisions have been made that are going to turn my life on its axis. Definitely for the better. The first is Casey and I have decided to have another baby. Lexi is 19 months now and will be almost 2 and a half by the time we have another. We think its a good age difference. The second which is both helpful and a hinderance to the first is Casey has decided to join the military. He is already in the process of enlisting with the army. If all goes well he is leaving in July. The third decision happened to make the second easier... We moved in with Rita. This way in the next few months before he leaves we dont have bills to worry about. He will also be away at training for several months. The ball is already rolling on all three fronts... so we will see how it goes!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Friday, February 20, 2009

Totally Awesome night!!!

I had a really good night tonight. Firstly we had our first night in league. While I dont rock ( my average is 90) I have so much fun! Lexi was exceptionally good while we were there. She sat in the playpen with Juli and played and ate. Our team by the way is "The Sewer Rats". We got home, I laid lexi in bed, she didnt cry!!! Not one little noise just rolled over and went to sleep. Now I know it was like 11:30 but she normally fights me a little still. Then for the best part. I got online to check my grades!!! One of them hasnt come in still. In Eng 101 I made a 84.9!!!! YAY!!! Im so excited. On my final paper which amanda and I worked endlessly on I made a 94!! He took off a couple points cause it wasnt enough words and a couple because my header was a different font from the rest of my paper. He told me it was OUTSTANDING work though. his words exactly lol. so overall a very very good night!!!